Monday, December 13, 2004

Making my voice heard

Reported my first bug!

I found it in Gecko, the core rendering engine of Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird ...

Not a serious bug, but it's cool to be able to do something like that and follow the progress (if any).

Update 2004-12-13a: Nevermind. Got the smack-down big time. I need to do more research next time. :(

Update 2004-12-13b: Upon further review I realize how I misjudged the way gecko renders my code. It all goes back to margin collapsing. Probably one of the more difficult parts of CSS to get a handle on.

Nothing like being humbled by the masters to make you realize how much you still have to learn. I spend too much time assimilating just enough information to get the job done these days. Or perhaps I just attempt to assimilate too much information. I should spend a little more time delving into the more arcane aspects of some of the technologies I use. Time to look into classes or certification.

I don't think I'll be submitting a bug report anytime soon. There are plenty of people more capable than I working on that kind of stuff. I'll need to keep reminding myself of the old saying about the dangers of having just a little knowledge.

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